Baked Mont D'Or Recipe

08 October, 2021


(Serves 4 as a Starter)

Allow 3-4 baby potatoes per person
1 x 400g Mont D’Or
1 x Clove of Garlic (cut into thin slices)
1 Teaspoon Fresh Thyme Leaves (Rosemary would also work well)
1 x Small Glass White Wine
Salt & Pepper to taste
Gherkins (optional)


Pre-heat the oven to 200˚C (180˚C fan).
Boil the potatoes until just soft and set aside, keeping warm.
Remove lid from Mont D'or box and the plastic wrap from the cheese. Make small cuts in the surface of the cheese and insert the garlic slices.
Pour over the white wine and sprinkle over the thyme leaves and salt and pepper.
Put the lid back onto the cheese and bake in the oven (uncovered) for 10-15 minutes until molten.
Serve while still hot, dip the potatoes in and enjoy!

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