Wine makes a wonderful accompaniment to cheese, but which to choose? Here’s the Paxton & Whitfield light guide to pairing the perfect cheese and wine.


Which cheese goes with which wine?

Firstly, the good news. There are so many cheeses to choose, and so many wines, that you don’t need to feel restricted. If you find a wine you love, there will be a selection of cheeses to suit. If you find a cheese you love, there will be a selection of wines to try. If, like us, you generally enjoy all cheeses, and generally enjoy all wines, even better – welcome to a wonderful world of exploration!


Red, white or sparkling?

Most people automatically pair a red wine with cheese. However, red, white and sparkling wines all make good accompaniments. All you need to bear in mind is that a delicately flavoured cheese will work best with a similarly delicately flavoured wine. Conversely, an older, more mature cheese is best enjoyed with a fuller-bodied wine.


As a guide, you should also try to:

Pair salty cheese with sweet wine.

Contrast rich, creamy cheeses with sparkling wine or Champagne.

Match cheeses and wines which come from the same region, like Alsace Gewurztraminer and Munster.

Use the table below to choose wines which work with your favourite cheese types.  But our main advice is to try lots of different cheese and wine pairings to find out which you personally enjoy the most.  Feel free to share your recommendations with other cheese lovers over on our Facebook page!

Style of Cheese


Best served with


Hard Mild

Lancashire, Cheshire, Caerphilly

Most Dry White Wines

Muscadet, Loire Sauvignon (Sancerre), Chenin Blanc Dry (Vouvray), New World Sauvignon Blanc, Côtes de Duras White Wine

Light Reds

Red Loire (Chinon/Bourgeuil), Beaujolais, Côtes de Duras Red Wine


Dry Cider


Hard Full Mature Flavour

Comte, Lincolnshire Poacher, Montgomery Cheddar, Parmesan, Pitchfork Cheddar, Cave-aged Cheddar

Fuller Whites

Côtes de Duras Blanc, White Burgundy (Pouilly Fuissé), Alsace Gewurztraminer, Viognier/Condrieu

Fruity Reds

Bordeaux, Côtes du Rhône,


Real Ales or Tawny Port


Soft Fuller Flavour

Brie de Meaux, Edmund Tew

Fuller Whites

Côtes de Duras Blanc, White Burgundy, Reisling, Viognier/Condrieu, Unoaked Chardonnay (Chablis), Puligny-Montrachet, Meursault

Characterful Reds

Douro, Syrah, Rioja


White Port, Old Tawny Port, Vintage Port


Soft Milder

Brillat Savarin, Tunworth, Waterloo, Camembert, Baron Bigod

Fuller Whites

Chardonnay, Maçon, White Burgundy

Medium Reds

Red Burgundy, Merlot Pomerol, Cabernet Sauvignon


Medium cider



Colston Bassett Stilton, Stilton, Stichelton, Fourme d'Ambert, Roquefort, Perl Las, Cote Hill Blue

Sweet Whites

Sauternes, Tokaji, Monbazillac


Old Tawny Port, Vintage Port, Bual Madeira


Sloe Gin



Selles sur Cher, Pennard Ridge, Golden Cross, Ingot, Rachel, Mothias Sur Feuille, Driftwood

Dry Whites

Chablis, Loire Sauvignon (Sancerre), Gavi

Medium Reds

Pinot Noir, Beaujolais


Somerset Brandy, Champagne



Wigmore, Cullum

Fuller Whites

Côtes de Duras Blanc, White Burgundy, Alsace Gewurztraminer, Viognier-(Condrieu)

Medium Reds

Red Burgundy, Merlot, Pomerol, Cabernet Sauvignon, Medoc, Rioja


Light Ales