Brillat Savarin Easter Cheesecake Recipe
06 April, 2023Made using rich and decadent, triple-cream Brillat Savarin, this easy-to-follow Easter Cheesecake recipe is designed to ‘wow’ your guests. The creamy topping is perfectly balanced by the crunchy Wholegrain Oatcake base, and finished off with single-origin 70% Bare Bones chocolate. Read on to find out how you can make this Easter treat…
200g (x1) Brillat Savarin
200g Paxton & Whitfield Wholegrain Oatcakes
1 tbsp Paxton & Whitfield Acacia Honey
80g Salted Butter
200g Icing Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
600ml Double Cream
70g (x1) Bare Bones Madagascar 70% Chocolate
250g Mini Easter Eggs
(Serves 10)
1) Using a 20cm deep springform or silicone cake tin, oil around the edges and line with baking parchment.
2) Tip the Wholegrain Oatcakes into a food processor, or sealable bag and blitz (or crush) into a fine crumb.
3) Place the butter in the microwave for 30 seconds until melted and combine it with the crushed oatcakes and tsp of Acacia Honey in a large mixing bowl. Smooth the mixture into the cake tin and press down hard, creating a compact layer. Place in the fridge and chill for 30 minutes.
4) Carefully remove the rind of the Brillat Savarin and scoop the centre out into a mixing bowl. Sieve in the icing sugar and vanilla essence and combine using an electric whisk.
5) Using a separate bowl, whisk the double cream until it creates stiff peaks. Carefully fold the whipped double cream into the Brillat Savarin mixture. Roughly chop half of the chocolate eggs and Bare Bones chocolate into small pieces and gently fold these into the cheesecake mixture.
6) Spoon the cheesecake mixture over the biscuit base and then smooth the surface over.
7) Grate two squares of Bare Bones chocolate over the cheesecake and use the remaining chocolate to create shards to decorate the top. Add the remaining chocolate eggs and chill the cheesecake in the fridge overnight.